Fleek Network Bi-Weekly Update: March 21st, 2023

Welcome back to our bi-weekly report, where you can get caught up and stay in the loop on Fleek Network's development progress! In this edition, get updates on the following milestones:

  • Integrating application layer into Ursa
  • Edge Architecture
  • Gateway Improvements

And much more! Take a dive in and get caught up on everything the team has been working on since the last bi-weekly update:

Completed Milestones: Application Layer Integration, Duplication Cache Summaries, Assisted Installer

Over the past two weeks, the team has completed a variety of milestones. These milestones not only optimize the network's performance & onboarding experience in its early stages, but also brings the next phase of Fleek Network (testnet) even closer:

  • Integrated application layer to Ursa through RPC: The team successfully integrated the application layer with Ursa using Remote Procedure Calls (RPC). This integration enables streamlined communication between different components, fostering a more efficient and responsive system.
  • Duplication Cache Summaries: A new feature has been implemented that allows nodes to announce the index of content they possess when they receive a new cache request. This feature ensures that peers within the mesh network stay informed about each other's content, enhancing overall network efficiency.

Still in Development: Edge Architecture, Gateway Improvements, Reputation System

Edge Architecture

After announcing the move from building Fleek Network as a CDN to an Edge Network at ETHDenver, the team has put a focus on defining and building the initial edge architecture. The move to the edge represents a significant evolution from the traditional Content Delivery Network (CDN) model. While CDNs focus on delivering content to users from centralized data centers around the globe, edge networks distribute computation and data storage closer to the end-users. This change facilitates reduced latency and improved performance, making it a more efficient, and decentralized, solution for serving applications and users.

This is a major undertaking, and a release on the details of the edge architecture is being targetted for Q2 of this year. This move from CDN to the edge aims to better serve decentralized applications and users by expanding the network's capabilities, speed, and reach.

Reputation System and Blake3 Verifiable Streaming (Bao)

The team is still in progress developing a reputation system to enhance trust and reliability within the network. With the reputation system, the network will be able to allocate a greater number of requests to nodes that demonstrate higher credibility. Credibility will be determined by factors like reliability, throughput, latency, and uptime, and will play a crucial role in optimizing the overall service quality within Fleek Network.

In parallel, the team is working on integrating Proof-of-Delivery with verifiable streams, utilizing Bao for implementation. This integration will provide a more secure and efficient way to confirm content delivery, further strengthening the network's credibility.

Gateway Improvements, Testnet, and More

As part of the ongoing effort to constantly improve the speed, latency, throughput, and stability of the network, the team is focusing on gateway enhancements. This includes improving load balancing and the requests per second a gateway can handle.

Additionally, the testnet is being outlined with the goal of being able to scale the geographic distribution of nodes, increase the number of web3 origin integrations, and minimize TTFB. The Testnet is a major milestone for the Fleek Network team–you can read more about it in our end-to-end overview!

An in-depth economics paper has also been prepared and is nearing ready for release, pending review from legal experts.

That’s all for this week–If you haven’t yet, check out the assisted installer to spin up a Fleek Network node in a flash! See you in ~2 weeks for another update ⚡

For live updates and access to the team, be sure to check out our GitHub, join our Discord server, and subscribe to updates on Fleek.Network!